Can reductions in child poverty impact involvement with child protective services?
Learn from research that explores how policies that reduce child poverty would result in lower involvement with child protective services.
Learn from research that explores how policies that reduce child poverty would result in lower involvement with child protective services.
Learn lessons from a research report that are adaptable to child welfare on how to successfully engage people with lived experience.
Explore strategies, jurisdictional examples, and resources for making progress in reducing unplanned teen pregnancy among youth in care.
Explore how agencies serving children and families can reduce barriers to contracting with small community-based organizations.
Learn from an analysis that evaluated the accuracy of decisions of a central hotline to screen in or screen out reports that come in.
Understand the benefits of employing youth peer mentors to support young people impacted by the child welfare system.
Explore the importance of placement stability for youth in care and the factors that can affect it.
Explore the promising approaches that have demonstrated a positive impact in improving placement stability.
Learn how three jurisdictions are leveraging the Family First Prevention Services Act to serve families through community pathways.
Explore our Questions from the Field resources related to engaging people with lived expertise.