How the Pelican Center used the Community Opportunity Map to support students in Louisiana
This map tool helps public-private partnerships create precise, local strategic plans to invest in hope and improve education for youth.
Casey Family Programs produces an extensive range of research papers on child welfare topics.
This map tool helps public-private partnerships create precise, local strategic plans to invest in hope and improve education for youth.
This interactive tool highlights the aspects of communities associated with safe children and strong families. Learn more about yours.
This map tool helps public-private partnerships create precise, local strategic plans to invest in hope and support families.
This map tool helps direct service providers to better understand the neighborhoods where their clients live and support families.
How would reducing child poverty affect referrals to CPS and foster care placements? Would it reduce racial disproportionality? Learn more.
This data overview looks at trends for American Indian/Alaska Native children in care nationally, and in California and Washington.
This report explores permanency outcomes for youth who, when referred to Casey services, were not residing with a family member.
Sacramento County used successful strategies over multiple years to reduce placement rates of African American children.
This report presents compelling data that supports Heartland for Children’s success in achieving permanency for youth receiving RPRs.
This data overview looks at trends for American Indian/Alaska Native children in care nationally, and in California and Washington.
Learn about a program that exposes college students in foster care to professional opportunities through workshops and individual mentoring.
This report confirms kinship care as a preferred option for children when they cannot stay with their biological parents.
This report chronicles the story of Austin’s In Home Services program. It is a story of courage, commitment, resilience and a lot of hard work.
A study of high service users among youth in foster care in Tennessee and Florida using linked Medicaid and child welfare data.
This brief highlights considerations for child welfare agencies as they engage in predictive analytics.
Explore best strategies for recruiting and retaining tribal foster families to help American Indian and Alaska Native children thrive in their culture.
Interviews with state guardianship experts and a policy analysis reveal variations in state subsidy rates and strategies for effective use of guardianship as a permanency option.
This report describes the New York City Administration for Children’s Services experience incorporating 11 evidence-based and evidence-informed practice models into its continuum of preventive services.
This inaugural From Data to Practice report explores the relationship between services and outcomes in a cohort of youth served in CFS out-of-home care.
Permanency case reviews (PCRs) are being used in Sacramento to explore youth’s permanency options and help them find lifelong families.