American Indian Title IV-E Application Planning Process: Tribal Progress, Challenges and Recommendations

This report provides a lens on the American Indian Title IV-E grantee planning process during winter 2012. This planning grant was authorized under the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008. Through this legislation, tribes received the authority to administer and operate IV-E programming for tribal children directly.

The experiences of eight tribes who received the Title IV-E development grant are presented. These participating tribes demonstrated clear progress and cited significant accomplishments in knowledge, strategy, technology and collaboration. In addition to describing strengths at the tribal, state and federal level, they also explicitly identified issues that should be addressed across these planning areas.

The report also provides recommendations for improving the planning process. While the tribes have made substantial gains on the planning grants since winter 2012, the report gives a snapshot of their progress during this specific period.


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