CIO Joseph Boateng recognized for DEI in investing
Casey was named to Blueprint Capital Advisors’ DEIC Power100 List in the Endowment and Foundation category.
Casey was named to Blueprint Capital Advisors’ DEIC Power100 List in the Endowment and Foundation category.
Explore data about state approaches, children in care, and how money is invested in foster care vs. preventive and permanency services.
These awards recognize individuals who have dedicated themselves to improving outcomes for children and families in the child welfare system.
Speaking at the Hispanics in Philanthropy Annual Leadership Conference, Dr. Bell challenges philanthropy to actively partner for change.
The nominations for the 2025 Casey Excellence for Children Awards are now closed.
This learning exchange explores the “seven levers” that are key to ending the need for group placements in child welfare.
Dr. Bell’s 2019 testimony on funding programs for fathers in Families First to a subcommittee of the House Committee on Ways and Means.
Dr. William C. Bell’s presentation for the Center on Community Philanthropy at the Clinton School of Public Service, University of Arkansas.
The child welfare field needs a bold research agenda to address key knowledge gaps in transformative ways to support family and community.
Dr. Bell provides testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Worker and Family Support.